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Venus Flytrap Repotting Kit - Premium Venus Flytrap Soil With Planters 3.5X3.5X4.8

Venus Flytrap Repotting Kit - Premium Venus Flytrap Soil With Planters 3.5X3.5X4.8

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Venus Flytrap Repotting Kit

Need a premium soil mix and planter for repotting venus flytraps? This kit comes with premium venus flytrap soil mix and perfect sized planters for smaller venus flytraps.  Take the guess work out of what size planter you need for repotting venus fly traps. These durable plastic planters are the right color and have great drainage. Combining my premium venus flytrap soil mix with these planters will help you grow big and strong venus flytraps. Each kit comes will have enough soil to fill the planters that come with it. Completely take the guess work out of repotting venus flytraps!

Please note, this kit comes in two sizes. 1 Quart bag of soil with 1 planter & 2 Quart bag of soil that comes with 3 planters. These planters are 3.5x3.5 and 4.8 inches tall. They are great for small to medium sized venus flytraps. If you need a bigger planter, please see my other kit. The other kit comes with a larger planter and more substrate. 

Click Here For The Venus Flytrap Repotting Kit With Larger Planter

Venus Flytrap Soil Mix For Repotting Kit

Hand Mixed Venus Flytrap Soil

I personally mix every batch of this substrate. I carefully measure, blend, rinse and dry each batch with love and care. I use the exact same method of creating this substrate as I do for my own personal carnivorous plant collection. This is the soil mix you want when you are repotting your venus flytraps!

High Quality Ingredients For Venus Flytrap Repotting

When you repot a venus flytrap, you only want to use the highest quality ingredients. I use only the highest quality ingredients. I've been using these exact ingredients on my own personal collection for years. All ingredients are rinsed and cleaned before blending to ensure your soil comes ready to be used. 

venus flytrap repotting

Perfect Ratio Of Peat Moss, Perlite & Crushed Glass

I have spent the last 3 years exclusively mixing and perfecting my own personal venus flytrap substrate blend for repotting venus flytraps. This blend is perfectly optimized for growing venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants. 

venus flytrap soil for repotting

Venus Fly Trap Moisture Control

This venus flytrap repotting soil blend is the perfect mix of drainage and absorption. Venus flytrap roots need constant access to water but the plant is also subject to crown rot if the plant sits in too much water. This blend absorbs and holds onto the perfect amount of water allowing the rest to drain properly. 

repot venus flytraps

Pre Rinsed 

This blend is hand mixed and hand rinsed by me personally. I use distilled and pure water to rinse the impurities out of the substrate blend. The glass and perlite are rinsed before blending with the peat moss. Once blended, the mix is rinsed again. It's then fully dried and bagged as ordered. 

crushed glass for repotting venus flytraps

Crushed Glass 

This ingredient makes my blend truly unique. Instead of sand, I mix course crushed glass. This glass is not sharp and does not cut, it's similar to the size, shape and feel to course sand. The glass serves it's function by helping the mix stay loose and well aeriated but also looks incredible. When the sun is out, I stop and stare at my plants every time. The way the sun makes the substrate shimmer and gleam is truly incredible. Now, not only will your plant be a conversation starter, people will have to know where you bought your substrate!

carnivorous plant repotting kit

Venus Flytraps & Other Carnivorous Plants 

This venus flytrap repotting mix will be great for venus flytraps, but will also work well with Sundews, Sarracenia, Cephalous and many other types of carnivorous plants. 


Don't believe my claims? I don't blame you, it's the internet, is anyone honest anymore? Come check out my YouTube channel where I show you my process for creating each batch of substrate. I use this substrate mix for my all my own carnivorous plants. See my collection, learn proper venus flytrap and carnivorous plant care and see how I mix and blend this perfect substrate!

Venus Flytrap Planter Highlights

venus fly trap planter with drainage

Excellent Drainage For Venus Flytraps

The planter features a raised bottom with unique drainage holes and slits for optimum root aeration. Not only will these drain well, but the slits in the side allow for good airflow to the roots. This will help you avoid any rotting of the roots. Good drainage is something to consider when repotting venus flytraps. 

Venus Fly Trap Planter

Good Height

Venus flytrap roots grow straight down and like some room to stretch. These planters are 4.8 inches tall giving most small to medium sized plants a lot of room to stretch. The more room your roots have to stretch the larger your venus flytrap can grow. Each planter holds 0.75 quarts of substrate. Venus flytrap repotting requires a good tall planter.

White Color Reflect Sun

The white color will help reflect the sun instead of absorb it. Black or darker planters can absorb sun and cook the plant & roots. The white color will reflect the sun and help keep your venus flytraps roots cool. 

Product information (Planter)


If you are looking for the best planters for venus flytrap repotting, you need to look no further!


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